Vitalizer Plus Testimonials and Complete Vitalizer Plus Review
Vitalizer Plus Testimonials! The Complete Vitalizer Plus Review and Testimonials!
The Vitalizer Plus™ has
totally changed my life – at 45, I am looking and feeling better than I
did 15 years ago. I have more energy, and find that not only do I sleep
better, but I also have the most amazing dreams.
This "living water" has also made remarkable improvements to my skin –
not just on the face, but on the body too. I have had problems with my
skin, all my life, but in just 6 weeks, my adult acne has cleared up– &
is completely gone. The hydration is amazing, which has resulted in less
wrinkles, and a very healthy glow. My hair and nails are growing faster
and appear to be much stronger.
When I first began to drink Vitalized water, I noticed a definite
detoxification – evidenced by a change in bowel movements. Then I
noticed that my skin seemed to have "plumped up", which resulted in many
of the small lines from my face (especially around my eyes and forehead)
literally disappearing.
Another thing that I have noticed is that the more of this water I drink
– the more water, I want to drink. It's quite interesting to note that I
never liked to drink water, it was always a chore. Now, I actually have
a hunger for this water.
One of the best things this water has done, is helped me to win the
"battle of the middle age bulge". I've lost those last stubborn 10 lbs,
and, it appears, that I don't even need to watch my weight any longer.
The greatest thing of all, is that the water, helped me, in my battle to
quit smoking. This water has totally flushed my system, and, my desire
to smoke literally is gone.
As a person, involved in the health & wellness industry for decades and
also one who works with harmonic vibration, this is clearly, one of the
most remarkable products, I've ever seen. This vortexed six-sided
hexagonal living water, in my opinion,
is going to have a massive impact on the health and well-being of the
whole world.
This product is in a CLASS ALL ITS OWN! Living water gives me a whole
new level of caring for my lifestyle. Thank you so much!
Susan S. – Canada
When I first began to drink
Vitalized water, I was having trouble with a lot of swelling in my legs.
Within 2 weeks, it was gone and I noticed that my circulation seemed to
be much better. I also began to notice how much more energy I had. I
actually felt like doing my work!
This water has also helped with my cholesterol. I remember going to the
doctor about 2 months after I began to drink the water. My cholesterol
had gone down from 250 to 195 and it has stayed down for the last 9
months – ever since I began to drink Vitalized water. Even my doctor
told me to keep drinking this water! I wish everyone could drink it!
Jeanette H. – Texas
When I started drinking
Vitalized Water, my body craved more. Both my husband and I quit
drinking coffee – in favor of Vitalized water. And when the kids started
taking our water out of the fridge, my husband made sure he processed
double the amount. (He is now the "Vitalizer Plus™ Master.")
After about a month on the water, we were both noticing results. First,
we slept more soundly and we both felt more refreshed in the morning.
Second, we found we were drinking more water – without trying. (For
someone who used to have to force 4 glasses of water down every day –
that's saying something!) It was as if our bodies made us more alert to
the need. Third, we found that our bowel movements were regular again.
Lastly, we can honestly say that we feel younger. We were truly amazed,
because we were not unhealthy people. Then my daughter pointed out that
the skin on my hands no longer stayed up when she pinched it, but
flattened out quickly.
What surprised me the most was an inner desire to start doing "right" by
my body. I changed my eating habit and started on raw foods, nuts and
grains…and I LOVE IT! After 6 months, I have lost 30 pounds!
Christy G. – New York
In June of 2004, I
was introduced to The Vitalizer Plus™ and I discovered the importance of
drinking hexagonal water. As I began to drink this incredible water, I
noticed that my blood sugar began to drop. After only 2 months of
drinking Vitalized water, my doctor made arrangements for new blood
sugar work. Recent tests, which monitored my blood sugar over a period
of a month, revealed that my blood sugar average was 145 – completely
normal! Wow! I am amazed and very grateful!
Raphael M. – Texas
I just wanted to let you
know what a profound effect the Vitalizer Plus™ has had on my health. At
the time I started drinking Vitalized water, I was experiencing several
medical problems. My blood sugar was unsettled at about 270 – I was
taking 2, 850mg. tablets of Metformin a day. My asthma was also giving
me trouble and I needed 4 medications from an asthma pump – daily. I was
also taking blood pressure medication, 3 times a day.
When I began to drink the Vitalized water, I noticed a difference the
very first day. For a few days, I experienced a cleansing – then I began
to notice other things. Besides a greater amount of energy, the swings
in my blood sugar began to level out. After 4 months, my doctor reduced
the amount of Metformin I was taking – to only 1 (500 mg.) pill a day.
My blood sugar was down to 100! I was also able to reduce my asthma
medication to 1 pump a day and my blood pressure medication was reduced
from 3 pills to 1 pill a day. My doctor told me to keep drinking
Vitalized water.
Today – after 6 months, I returned from the doctor with normal blood
sugar and I was told that I no longer need any medication for diabetes.
Since I began drinking Vitalized water, I have found myself doing things
that I have not done for a long time. I feel so much better. My skin is
not as dry and it is noticeably softer. I thank the Lord for this
wonderful discovery!
Rhonda R. – Texas
During the 3 months since I
purchased a Vitalizer Plus and began drinking the hexagonal water, I
have experienced some pretty amazing health benefits:
First of all, I am Diabetic (diagnosed with juvenile diabetes at 10
years old). I have been on insulin for 18 years and during that time, I
have tried a number of things to help reduce the amount I take. Several
things have helped slightly, but nothing like the Vitalized water! Over
the course of 1 month, as I monitored my own blood sugar levels (4 times
a day) my need for insulin gradually dropped. I have been able to reduce
the amount of insulin I take – by over half! I used to take 40 units per
day, now I consistently require 15 units. I also used to feel constantly
dehydrated – even though I drank lots of water. I was continually
thirsty and nothing would quench my thirst. Vitalized water quenches my
thirst! For the first time in a long time, I am not perpetually thirsty.
Second, I have had rheumatoid arthritis in one finger in my left hand
for years. It had gotten to the point where I could not use that finger
and I had limited use of my hand. Within 2 weeks after I began to drink
this water, the pain had almost completely subsided. Now I can use my
hand – it's almost normal.
Lastly, I have felt a definite improvement in my overall level of
energy. I started with 8 ounces of Vitalized water – now I drink ½
gallon every day. It's almost like I can "feel" the toxins leaving my
body. I am more than excited about this water! Other members of my
family have begun to drink it too!
Vanessa G. – California
I bought a VitalizerPlus™
the same night I heard a presentation on it – although I honestly
wondered about the stories I had heard. The gentleman giving the
presentation said that when he began to drink Vitalized water, his bowel
movements became quite frequent. I thought he might have exaggerated –
until I experienced it myself!
Several days after I started drinking water from my new Vitalizer Plus™,
I experienced definite changes in my own elimination patterns. Now after
3 months, I have come to accept the fact that 3 bowel movements a day is
I have experienced several other pleasant results from drinking this
structured water. First of all, I used to have terribly dry skin –
especially on my forehead and scalp. That has disappeared. No more
dandruff and no more flaky patches on my forehead.
I also have a new level of energy and I perspire more than I used to. (I
never used to perspire much at all – even when I worked in the heat.) It
seems like the water in my body is more efficient – doing its job.
I recently left the country and was without my Vitalizer for 2 weeks.
For the first week everything was fine – but by the end of my trip, the
dryness on my forehead and scalp was returning. I was certainly glad to
get back to Vitalized water again – and the dryness went right away.
Rev. Dan J. – Canada
When I was introduced to
Hexagonal Water and The Vitalizer Plus, I was advised to begin drinking
the water a little at a time. So, I began with only 1 oz. the first day.
Within 4 days I was drinking 4 oz. each morning and I began to notice an
intestinal cleansing – similar to a colon cleanse – only more gentle. At
that point, I recognized the wisdom of beginning slowly.
I am quite in touch with my body—enough to know that my way of
detoxifying involves symptoms which are similar to those I experience
during my monthly cycle – headache, emotional sensitivity, etc. These
are the symptoms I experienced for several days after I began drinking
the water. It was similar to other cleanses I had been through but even
though it was more gentle, it seemed to be deeper – more "cellular."
Then one afternoon I was with a group of friends and we had the
Vitalizer running. Without thinking, I drank 2 glasses of the water – it
was so refreshing.
Within a few minutes I experienced an almost giddy sensation. It was as
though I was "hyper-present" – even a bit "trippy." It wasn't a negative
feeling, but for me, it was an interesting experience – an indication of
the significance and the power of this incredible water.
In the very short time that I have been drinking Vitalized water, I have
also noticed that I am using less lotion on my normally dry skin – only
it isn't as dry anymore! My skin is softer and I have noticeably more
Kathleen C. – California
Several years ago, I began
to have chest pains. Though my situation was not life-threatening, I was
told that my cholesterol levels were very high. Ever since then, I have
struggled to get my cholesterol down. It has been as high as 245, and
the lowest it had ever been was 221.
Then a friend of mine introduced me to the Vitalizer Plus™ and I began
to drink Vitalized water. The results were amazing! After only 6 weeks,
I returned to my doctor for more blood tests and was told that my
cholesterol was 182 – the lowest in 7 years! What 5 years, 3 types of
medication and hundreds of dollars in expenses could not accomplish,
drinking Vitalized water had done. (copies of the lab tests are
attached.) Now, after a year on the water, my cholesterol is still low.
I appreciate the extra boost of energy that Vitalized water gives me and
I love the taste. Everyone in the family notices the difference when we
have to drink bottled water. Thanks for this water from heaven!
Luis A. – Texas
As a healthy,
health-conscious person, I'm always looking for ways to augment my
health and fine-tune my health protocols. When I was introduced to the
Vitalizer Plus™, I couldn't resist. The water tastes noticeably smoother
and gives me that extra bit of energy that normal water just can't
provide. It's my health drink.
From a price point alone, this water makes sense. I'm able to drink as
much energized, structured water as I want – for pennies on the dollar –
and that compares to water products of a much lesser quality. I can tell
the difference!
Steve Y. – Texas
I am a former body builder
and trainer. Five years ago I had a series of injuries and other
difficulties which kept me from exercising for a long time. I eventually
I lost 75% of my strength. It seemed like each time I began to exercise
again, I would hit a brick wall. Several times I had re-injuries and I
would have to start all over again. I have tried so many things over the
last several years, that I have really wondered whether or not I would
be able to lift weights again.
I began drinking a structured water product 3 years ago and that has
helped tremendously, but I still could not get past being able to press
my triceps, 60-80 lbs. – tops. Finally, about a month ago, I decided to
purchase a Vitalizer Plus™. I liked the idea of making the structured
water in my own home. I was also excited about being able to drink all I
Within 2 weeks, I began to make incredible progress. I can literally
"feel" my muscle fibers being strengthened and I am now able to press
150 lbs! I can feel that "pumped up" feeling for the first time in over
5 years and my new goal is to be in peak performance by the end of the
year. This time I feel confident I can do it!
I am both amazed and excited about Vitalized water!
Quaye A. – Decatur, GA
I am a person who never
liked to drink water – until I was introduced to the Vitalizer Plus. But
I can honestly say that I have "fallen in love." It has been like being
introduced to water for the first time in my life. When I drink
Vitalized water, there is a feeling of cellular hydration and I almost
crave it. Now, for the first time in my life, water (Vitalized water),
is my chosen beverage.
For the first few days, I drank only 3 ounces of the water each day. I
went through a short period of what I will call detoxification and I
felt a bit dizzy and feverish. That lasted several days and then it
passed. Since drinking more of the water, I have noticed that my body
apparently has the water it needs. My colon is hydrated and my bowel
movements are heavier. I urinate more frequently, yet I need less lotion
and my skin is softer.
Beyond the physical benefits, I have experienced other manifestations of
the, efficacy of Vitalized water. Within days, I began to have intense
and very spiritual dreams. On more than one occasion I was surrounded by
water – flowing with it and moving through it effortlessly. It was
almost as if I was being introduced to water on more than one level. For
me, it was additional verification that I was pursuing a correct course
of action with the water.
Amazingly enough, I also noticed that shortly after I began drinking
Vitalized water, a number of "not so useful" patterns from my childhood,
began to surface – allowing me to "look at" and "release" old beliefs
and familial patterns that were not in my best interest. I feel like I
am having a "love-affair" with this water!
Brianna C. – California
The Vitalizer Plus Review
The structure of the water is far more important than its source. Research clearly shows that hexagonal water is by far the best water for humans. Since smaller water clusters penetrate the cells faster, nutrients and oxygen are delivered to the cells much quicker than with unstructured water.
The very best natural source of structured water is from high mountains areas where the melted snow water traverses down mountain gorges gaining energy and oxygen as it migrates. For most of us, drinking fresh mountain water, which has been structured and energized, is not possible. However, the Vitalizer Plus has been developed to make it possible to create hexagonal water in your own home.The Vitalizer Plus applies the principles of nature scientifically to create a water with special life-enhancing properties, without the use of chemicals. Utilizing the principles of physical and electromagnetic energy Vitalizer Plus creates a living dynamic water which improves the functioning and homeostasis of the body!
The amount of Hexagonal Water in the body has been correlated with aging. It has also been found to form the initial layer of water surrounding healthy cells. On the other hand, unorganized water, has been described surrounding diseased and abnormal cells.
Healthy Cells - supported by tightly bonded, hexagonal water molecule clusters - created by "structure making" ions.
Pollutants and toxins are unable to bind with hexagonal water molecules or disrupt their structures, which prevents toxin accumulation and cellular problems.

Unhealthy Cells - characterized by loosely bonded, disorganized pentagonal or unstructured water clusters and "structure-breaking" ions.
Pollutants and toxins can easily bind to the water molecules and create toxic accumulation and cellular problems.
How the Vitalizer Plus Machine Functions
The Vitalizer Plus process uses movement - vortexes of energy and natural curves. Nature adds oxygen and minerals as water splashes and falls and it uses vital magnetic fields from the earth, and far infrared (FIR) energy from the sun.
The end result for the Vitalizer Plus? A highly energized, structured, mineralized, oxygenated and purified living water! In the same fashion as nature, powerful magnets and a tourmaline bed in the base of the Vitalizer Plus add energy and life to your Vitalized clustered super water, allowing you to enjoy Vitalized water in the comfort of your own home!
Rapid and Efficient Hydration of Cells!
When you drink Vitalized hexagonal water, whether from that rare clean natural stream or from your Vitalizer Plus, you will notice that it does not sit in your mouth or in your stomach.Rapid or near-instant absorption is accomplished by the hexagonal clustering process. Larger and unorganized clusters of water molecules have a more difficult time penetrating the cellular membrane; hexagonal, organized water clusters penetrate the membrane far easier!
So Why is Vitalizer Plus Hexagonal Water Superior?
Refreshing - Oxygen gives water taste. Hexagonal microclustered water almost instantly carries oxygen and energy deep into our cellular environment.
Energy and Aging - Super hydration and available energy resources help delay the aging process. This is also believed to provide additional support resources for the body's attempts to prevent and reverse degenerative conditions of all kinds.
- Nutrition - The unique hexagonal structure and energy created by the interaction of mineral ions, magnetics, far-infrared and vortexing transfers these properties to the fluids within the body. This helps support the reactivation of weakened body functions.
Cleansing - Due to the penetration power of super hydrating hexagonal water, smaller clustered water molecules facilitate the prompt elimination or discharge of waste from our body.
"Expert Opinions - Vitalizer plus testimonials"
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IMPORTANT: ClearLife is an official distributor of Vitalizer Plus hexagonal water system offering the official Vitalizer Plus hexagonal water machines at the best prices on the market. Beware of cheap defective imitations or used and refurbished units sold on some other sites and eBay.
The contents of this website are for educational purposes only and along with our products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. If you have any health concerns please contact a health care professional for advice prior to using the product. All content on our website is provided "as is" and we do not guarantee that the content on our website is accurate or error free. We disclaim all warranties of any kind, express or implied. You expressly agree that use of, including all content on, is at your sole risk.